Hongaarse Concerten, Hongaarse voordrachten, Hongaarse Feesten en Hongaarse films in Nederland
09‑11‑2018 Filmhuis, Spui 191, Den Haag

Eastern neighbours Festival Den Haag - Overig Hongaars programma

Overige films:

Bújocska (Verstoppertje)

Vrijdag 9 november, 15.30 u.

en zaterdag 10 november, 11.45 u.

Occupation 1968

Documentaire over de bezetters uit vijf landen van Praag in 1968.

Zaterdag 10 november, 13.00 u.

Zondag 15.45 u.

Fragment Bújocska:

Engelse info:

"A compelling, thought-provoking short film based on a true story. Remarkably performed and well-directed, one of those valuable films that has potential to trigger relevant social debates.


Matyi is a 7-year old boy who loves to play hide and seek, but knows no boundaries. He is constantly hiding somewhere, annoying his parents and refusing to come out even when the whole family is looking for him. He is the smallest, unplanned member of a large family and just another pain to his mother suffering from extreme poverty and her husband’s drinking addiction. However, the father is very fond of the boy and the only one with sufficient patience. One day, the father disappears and the mother is left alone with an undisciplined child."

Hongaarse Evenementen

Hongaarse artiesten, actuers en dichters in Nederland